Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rental Standards - Save Yourself From Grief & Frustration

Many attorneys recommend developing written rental criteria and posting a copy of those criteria in your rental office. If you do not have a rental office that all applicants visit, they suggest attaching a copy of the criteria to every application you give out.

If you are going to use written criteria, remember to have applicants read the document. Posting information alone is of limited prevention value unless applicants know it is there.

The following is intended as a “generic” example of information a manager might post and direct each applicant to read. The intent is to encourage every honest tenant to apply, while providing dishonest applicants with an early incentive to seek housing elsewhere. Every drug dealer who doesn’t apply is one more you don’t have to deal with.

By itself this information will scare off only a few people involved in illegal activity. Most have heard tough talk before. Many expect landlords to be too interested in collecting rent to care about applicant screening. It is important to follow through in word and action continually reinforce the point that you enjoy helping honest tenants find good housing by carefully screening all applicants, and then actually screen them.

While we have attempted to make sure the following section adheres to both Federal and California law, there may be criteria listed that do not meet the requirements of some local civil rights laws. Further, complying with federal and local civil rights laws involves much more than the language used in the applicant screening process. If you are not familiar with your fair housing responsibilities, seek information from a local rental housing association or from an attorney who specializes in the subject.

Also, the following is only an example intended to show various types of rules that might be set. You should adjust the criteria as appropriate for your own needs. Whatever criteria you set, have them reviewed by an attorney familiar with current landlord/tenant issues before you post them.


Here it is important to “set the tone” for your applicants, make sure that good applicants want to apply and that bad applicants may begin to think twice. Here’s one approach:

We are working with neighbors and other landlords in this area to maintain the quality of the neighborhood. We want to make sure that people do not use rental units for illegal activity. To that end, we have a thorough screening process.

If you meet the application criteria and are accepted, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that other renters in this area [apartment complex] are being screened with equal care, and as a result, there may be a reduced risk of illegal activity occurring in the area.

Please review our list of criteria. If you feel you meet the criteria, please apply.

Please note that we provide equal housing opportunity: we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, national origin, familial status, ancestry, age, marital status, source of income, sexual orientation or other factors that are unrelated to legitimate business concerns.

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